Daddy,mummy,sis and I
BALIK KAMPUNG!!! (seremban)
because we were too bored,
we decided to go to P.D for a walk =D
It was FUN!
Here are the pictures...
Too bad, I couldn't recognise the way there...too far~
Also, I spotted a korean saloon!! How awesome!!
I am definitely gonna go there for a korean hairstyle after graduating from high school!! Haha!!
So, think before you speak, Kanye West...
Poor Taylor...She got embarassed by Kanye in front of the world~
Oh and I agree with the fact that President Obama is the coolest president of them all!! Haha! He even commented on what a jerk Kanye was.
By the way, Selamat Hari Raya to all! It's school holidays again! Weehee!